Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Benefits of Using a Water Filter

1. Clean, Healthy Water
The number of synthetic chemicals used in our society keeps increasing, and trace amounts of many of these chemicals are ending up in our drinking water because U.S. water treatment facilities don’t have the capability to remove them. So far, over 2,100 chemicals have been detected in U.S. water systems.
Bottled water is not the solution to the problem of contaminated drinking water. There are no government standards that require bottled water to be any better, purer or safer than tap water. Companies that sell bottled water do not have to divulge to consumers the water’s source, how the water has been purified, and what chemical pollutants the water may contain. Bottled water companies are also not required to demonstrate their water’s quality.
A water filter is the only way to ensure that your drinking water is contaminant free. The home water filtration industry is heavily regulated, and companies that manufacture and sell water filtration products must supply documentation that lists which contaminants a product is certified to remove and to what degree.
2. Great Tasting Water
The contaminants in tap water often give it a bad taste. When these contaminants are filtered out, you’re left with clean, healthy water that tastes great.
3. Low Cost Water
Bottled water can cost as much as $4 a gallon, while a water filter provides you with clean, healthy water at a cost of only pennies a gallon.

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