Friday, December 19, 2014

Reasons to Have a Water Filter in Your Home

Iron and other metals

Your drinking water could be filled with iron or other metals. Whether your water comes from a well or the city, most water has tiny particles of metal. If you use a home water test, you can determine how much iron is in your water and what type of filter you need. Iron and other metals can cause serious medical issues, and your family will be safer if you use a filter.

Bacteria in water

Water naturally contains bacteria. If you get your water from a city system, they probably use chlorine or some form of chlorine to kill the bacteria in the water. Although this is usually a good thing, studies have shown that chlorine can also cause health issues like cancer and endocrine problems. Using a water filter will protect you and your family from the harmful effects of chlorine.

Harmful toxins

Using tap water when you cook can release harmful toxins into your food. Even if you currently drink bottled water, very few people use bottled water when cooking. If you purchase a system from a trusted water filter provider, you will have safe filtered water for drinking and cooking.

Bathing and your skin pores

Most people use water to bathe every day. If you have children, you know they probably love to spend time in the bathtub playing and relaxing. When your children spend time in the tub, it opens the skin pores and allows bacteria and toxins to enter the body. A full home water filtration system will make the water safe no matter how long the kids want to play in the tub.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Use A Shower Filter – Here are 10 Good Reasons Why!

1. Shower filters are one of the easiest and most effective ways of reducing harmful exposure to chlorine and other chemicals.
2. By showering in filtered water you benefit from greater respiratory health by reducing the risk of asthma and bronchitis from chlorine inhalation.
3. When you shower in chlorine-free, filtered water you lessen the risk of bladder and breast cancer.
4. Chlorine inhalation can prove particularly harmful to children who will especially benefit in the long run from the removal of chlorine.
5. Showering in filtered, chlorine-free water brings higher energy and overall greater health because chlorine is a major cause of fatigue.
6. Eliminating chlorine from showering water can result in better air quality throughout the house.
7. Your skin will become softer, healthier and younger looking because chlorine has a drying effect on the skin.
8. To help reduce the presence of skin rashes and the appearance of wrinkles chlorine-free shower water is beneficial.
9. Hair becomes softer and healthier because the hair retains its natural moisturizing oils when chlorine is removed from the shower water.
10. The need for costly lotions and moisturizers is greatly reduced, when the body is able to retain its natural moisturizers.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Filter your water at home and keep out potential toxins

Water. It composes over half our body weight, and it’s essential to your health. Yet your drinking water may be contaminated with anything from lead to arsenic to radionuclides, with possible effects that can range from nausea to blindness to cancer. Fear not: a simple home water filter can help you steer clear of scary contaminants and improve taste.
Home filtration systems can remove the vast majority of chlorine, lead and other harmful substances that may be present in your water. Home UV disinfection systems can destroy bacteria and organic matter that may seep from wastewater into your water supply. Home systems come in many forms—individual bottles, pitchers, faucet attachments, whole home treatment tanks—and have varying levels of purification. All deliver cleaner water for mere cents per gallon.
Beware bottled water, however. The standards regulating its production are often less strict than those regulating tap water, and almost half of bottled water sold in the U.S. is actually drawn from the same source as tap water, filtered and then sold back to consumers at thousands of times the price. If you want better water in your home, look for a filtration system that fits your lifestyle.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Green solutions that work hard for your home, and the environment.

  • Improve Efficiency – Appliances, heaters, and air conditioners all function better with filtered or softened water, which means lower utility bills and less wear and tear.
  • Reduce Waste – Drinking water systems eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles, which reduces the amount of bottle waste and the associated production costs. Dishwashers and washing machines also require less soap, which cuts down on dirty water discharge.
  • Clean Less – Treated water leaves less residue behind than untreated water, making cleaning easier, less frequent, and requiring fewer harsh chemicals and less backbreaking effort.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Benefits of Under Sink Water Filters

If you are unaware that the water supplied to your taps might contain various harmful contaminants that can pose serious threats to your health. Even if your household tap water is not used for drinking purposes but used for household uses like making meals, washing and cleaning, you cannot afford contaminated water. Thus, it is wiser to make a one-time investment and install an under sink water filter that would provide cleaner and purer water.
The functioning of Under Sink Water Filters
The drinking water is treated directly in the supply line before it reaches the tap by the under sink water filters. The filters function in removing sediments and other pollutants and thus make the water best for consumption. In the present days, many under sink water filters are available and can be easily installed without any help from even a plumber. The most commonly available under sink water filters are screwed to the valve below the sink where the water passes through before getting to the tap.

Get your under sink water filter here - 100US - Under Sink Water Filter

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Benefits of Water Treatment

Although U.S. water supplies rank as one of the safest in the world, some contaminants still can enter the drinking water after it has left the treatment facility. Installing a water treatment system offers you more control over the quality of your water.
What is Water Treatment?
Water treatment is a process for filtering or chemically treating water. There are two modes of filtering:
1. Point of Entry – utilizes water softeners and whole house filter systems
Benefits of a water softener
Removes minerals that cause hard water. (Hard water – which means more iron content — uses 50-80% more soaps, detergents, cleaners and soap-related products)
Uses less detergent and keeps clothes whiter
Reduces harsh effect on fabrics and skin
Improves rinsing performance, making things easier to clean because of less soap buildup
Benefits of a whole house filter
Removes sediment from incoming water source
Prolongs life of appliances and pipes
Helps water heaters work more efficiently
2. Point of Use – utilizes products like under sink water filtration including reverse osmosis.
Benefits of reverse osmosis water filtration
Removes harmful contaminants such as arsenic, lead, sulfate, chlorine, VOCs, rust, sediment and more

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Advantages of Shower Water Filters

Many people take a shower early in the morning, but they are oblivious to the potential health hazard that the shower water poses on their skin and hair. Since shower water is chemically treated, it is not unusual to find dangerously high levels of chlorine content in it. Besides causing damage to skin and hair, the chlorine in shower water can also cause a variety of health issues, which include premature aging, throat irritations, heart diseases, respiratory complications, and breast cancer.
The most practical and effective solution to the chlorine issue is to use a shower filter. A shower filter comes in a wide range of prices and designs, and it will definitely augment one’s showering experience. Research has shown that 50% of chlorine exposure happens when people are taking showers. Some of the chlorine gets absorbed by the skin while some of it is inhaled by the lungs, especially when taking a hot shower.
The shower filter cleanses the water of chlorine, and therefore, it reduces the detrimental effects of chlorine on the hair and skin. People who use shower filters have noticed the difference pure water makes to their health and beauty. The skin is suppler and looks more radiant. In addition, the hair becomes shinier and much more manageable, since the natural moisturizing oils of the hair are preserved when one uses pure water. Also, after a few weeks of shower filter usage, the elasticity of the skin returns, and so does the bounce of the hair. This means that those who use pure water do not need to spend too much money buying skin moisturizers and hair oils.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Environmental Benefits of Water Filters

Water is an essential element for life. People are supposed to drink about eight glasses of water per day, meaning most people need to consume some at the office and at home. With the use of home and office water filters, you can remove unwanted particles from the water and improve its taste, allowing you to enjoy fresh water, right out of the tap. But perhaps the best part is you are doing your part to help the environment.
If you have been seriously considering the use of home and office water filters for better tasting water, now is the time to get on board. Saving the environment is a common thread through society today. When you use water filters to filter out unwanted particles and make your water taste better, you will reduce the number of plastic bottles that are thrown away or recycled, throw away fewer filters and preserve energy and water. With all these advantages, water filters simply make sense.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Advantages Of Using Whole House Water Filters

Advantages of Using Whole House Water Filters
Now although you could certainly just use a standard, basic faucet mounted water filter and get the great benefits of clean, fresh drinking water, if you really want to do the best that you can for you and your family you are going to want to get one of the whole house water filters. What are the whole house water filters you may wonder? Well there are a few things that you are going to be interested to know.
Whole House Water Filters
With the whole house water filters, it will be designed as a point-of-entry system that will filter water directly as it enters a home plumbing system from a private well or water source. This may not be as immediately effective as using a point-of-use water filter but it is one of the best options if you want to have clean drinking water coming from every tap in the home.
This saves you time as well because then you will not have to end up purchasing a different faucet mount for every single tap in the home which is not only going to end up being costly but as well will be a pain in the butt as you are going to have to install each filter onto each tap in the home.

View our 300WH - Whole House Water Filter

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Benefits of a Home Water Filtration System

  • Healthy Drinking Water - You would not have to worry about the quality of your water because you will have complete control. You will not depend on bottled water which may have been packaged from a municipal treatment plant somewhere.
  • Helping the Environment -When you drink water from your own water filter and reduce dependence on bottled water, you will be helping to reduce the amount of empty plastic on the streets which eventually pollute water ways, and affect drinking water supply.
  • Money Savings - There is tremendous amount of savings benefits when you filter your drinking water in your own house. With a reusable water bottle, you can carry your filtered water to gym, office, biking, or hiking. You save money, and help the environment.
  • Emergency Preparedness - You cannot envisage when your town or city will issue water advisory for any kind of water problems. Pipe breaks, oil spills, sewage spills, earthquakes, or storms that overwhelm wastewater treatment plants could result in drinking water contamination. One of the groups that benefit the most during these emergencies is the bottled water company while your wallet is depleted due to events you did not prepare or budget for. A water filter or purifier will save you money during these emergencies.
  • Bacteria Re-growth - The distribution pipes could contaminate water as it travels from the treatment plant to homes and other points of use.
Get your filter now at or call 1-800-959-0708

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Water Filters and Home Treatment Devices

In 1974, the federal government established the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect the public from water-related illnesses. This law requires community water systems to regularly test their water supplies and meet strict federal water quality standards. Many states have even more stringent requirements. Water providers conduct thousands of analyses each year to verify that the public water supply meets these standards, and the Safe Drinking Water Act requires they provide annual water quality reports to their customers. Contact your local water provider if you have not received a copy of your report.
There are many reasons you may choose to use a home treatment device. Concerns for most people include taste, odor and hardness of their water. For most people in the United States, the use of a water filter is not necessary to ensure water safety. If you do choose you use a home treatment device, the important thing is to make an informed decision.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Water Filtration and Home Water Filters

The surest way of making sure you are drinking the cleanest, contaminant free, water possible is to invest in a water filter of some kind for your home. Although home water filters, different from water softeners, may seem expensive at first, in the long run they are a very cost effective way of providing you and your family with pure drinking water. The alternative of buying bottled water will likely be more expensive than installing and running a quality water filter. There are also doubts about the purity of many bottled waters, with some commentators stating that unfiltered municipal tap water may even be purer, as it is much more strictly regulated.
Granulated, Activated Carbon Water Filters
This is the kind of filter most often found in the jug type portable filters that are widely available at kitchenware stores. This is the most basic form of filtration but is certainly worth having if your budget can’t reach any further. These filters will remove chlorine, some chemicals, mercury, large parasites and particulates.
It is extremely important to drink plenty of pure water every day if you suffer from environmental illness. To this end, if you are badly restricted financially, one solution would be to buy a cheap jug type granulated carbon filter, and also boil the filtered water to kill any microorganisms present.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What's in Your Water?

While much of the water tested was of potable quality, according to NRDC, “about one third of the bottled waters we tested contained significant contamination (i.e., levels of chemicals or bacterial contaminants exceeding those allowed under a state or industry standard or guideline)”. The study went on to report that “one in four of the waters” in the study tested to be above the acceptable limits for “arsenic or certain cancer-causing man-made organic compounds”. Arsenic can cause health hazards including cancer, birth defects, reproductive disorders, and problems with the peripheral nervous system.
Based on its investigation, the EWG assigned “grades” to the top waters on the market, with an “A” being the best and “F” being the worst. The criterion for being graded was the company’s transparency, its water source, purification process, testing procedures, and any advanced treatment that the bottled water is put through. No brand scored an “A”. Only four brands of bottled water scored a “B”. Surprisingly, two of the most popular bottled water brands did not take home top marks – Dasani Purified Water received a grade of “C” while Aquafina Purified Drinking Water scored a grade of “D”.
These are just a few of the many legitimate concerns about bottled water and human health. For these reasons and more, it is invariably a better option (and a less expensive one) to filter your own water at home, and to invest in a portable bottle so that you can take your water with you wherever you go.