Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Water Facts

Brought to you by Water Marque Inc

Fact 1

If you drink your daily recommended 8 glasses of water per day from the tap, it will cost you about 50 cents per year.  If you choose to drink it from water bottles, it can cost you up to $1,400 dollars

Fact 2

Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms: solid, liquid and gas

Fact 3

There are approximately one million miles of water pipeline and aqueducts in the United States and Canada, enough to circle Earth 40 times.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why should you use a water filter?

Water filters offer a wide range of benefits. Curious on why you should be using a filter rather than drinking tap or bottled water? Read ahead...

300WHR - Whole House Water Filter from Water Marque Inc

  •  Drinking impure, contaminated water is the leading cause of epidemic disease in developing countries. 
  • There are more than 2100 known drinking water contaminants that may be present in tap water, including several known poisons. 
  The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) posts a daunting list of possible drinking water contaminants, ranging from various microorganisms, disinfectants, disinfectant byproducts, inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals and radionuclides.
  •   Municipal water treatment facilities cannot always control for the outbreak of dangerous bacterial contaminants in tap water. 
  •   Several types of cancer can be attributed to the presence of toxic materials in drinking water.
  • Clean, healthy drinking water is essential to a child’s proper mental and physical development. 
  • According to the EPA, lead in drinking water contributes to 480,000 cases of learning disorders in children each year in the United States alone.
 It is especially important for pregnant women to drink pure water as lead in drinking water can cause severe birth defects. 
  • Bottled water is expensive and may not be as clean as tap water or filtered water 
Since bottled water is considered a food, it is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration — unlike municipally treated water that is regulated by the stricter EPA. It is not always possible to trust that all bottled water is of the highest quality and free of contaminants. The Natural Resources Defense Council studied bottled water extensively in 1999. The findings contrasted the image of purity advertised by bottled water companies. The studies found bottled water to actually be tap water much of the time — perhaps as often as 40 percent of the time. For more on bottled water read our post about The Truth on Bottled Water.

  •  Bottled water may leach chemicals from the bottle into the water, and then into your body when you drink it.
 The chemicals in the plastic bottle also end up polluting the environment during manufacture and after the bottle is discarded. The use of so much plastic is a drain on remaining petroleum sources — the non-renewable natural resource.
  • Water filters reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 33 percent by removing cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water. 
  • Water filters provide better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants.
  • The recommended eight glasses of water a day, at U.S. tap rates equals about $.49 per year; that same amount of bottled water is about $1,400.

Interested in a water filtration system? Call us now and mention this blog for a 15% discount on your entire purchase! 1-800-959-0708

Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekly Water Facts

Happy Monday...we hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend! Let's start the week off with our  


brought to you by Water Marque Inc (

Fact #1

There are approximately one million miles of water pipeline and aqueducts in the United States and Canada, enough to circle Earth 40 times

Fact #2

The first water pipes in the US were made from wood (bored logs that were charred with fire)

Fact #3

The first municipal water filtration works opened in Paisley, Scotland in 1832

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fluoride In Your Drinking Water - What You Need To Know

Brought to you by - Water Marque Inc

The EPA regulates fluoride in drinking water to protect public health. 
Fluoride may cause health problems if present in public or private water supplies in amounts greater than the drinking water standard set by EPA.

Fluoride are salts that form when the element fluorine combines with minerals in soil or rocks and is added to drinking water to help promote dental health

The Facts

  • Studies indicate water fluoridation is effective in reducing dental decay by 20-40 percent, even in an era with widespread availability of fluoride from other sources. 
  • For most cities, every $1 invested in water fluoridation saves $38 in dental treatment costs.
  • The average cost for a community to fluoridate its water is estimated to range from approximately 50 cents a year per person in large communities to approximately $3 a year per person in small communities.   
  • More than two-thirds of the population in the United States are served by public water systems that are  fluoridated.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies fluoride as a drug when used to prevent or mitigate disease (FDA 2000).
  • All other water treatment chemicals are added to improve the water’s quality or safety, which fluoride does not do.
  • Once fluoride is put in the water it is impossible to control the dose each individual receives because people drink different amounts of water.
  • The fluoride goes to everyone regardless of age, health or vulnerability.
  •  No disease, not even tooth decay, is caused by a “fluoride deficiency.”
  • 40% of American Teenagers Show Visible Signs of Fluoride Overexposure
  •  Fluoride Supplements Have Never Been Approved by the FDA

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Weekly Water Facts

Brought to you by Water Marque Inc.

Fact #1

Drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. Water intoxication occurs when water dilutes the sodium level in the bloodstream and causes an imbalance of water in the brain. Water intoxication is most likely to occur during periods of intense athletic performance.

Fact #2

While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must be consumed in the liquid form. Nearly every food or drink item provides some water to the body.

Fact #3

Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Truth Behind Bottled Water

Majority of the word consumes bottled water and typically, they do not think much about it. We do not consider how much oil is required to manufacture the bottles nor do we consider the sources from which the water comes from. Naturally, we assume that bottled water is safe and healthier than tap water but in reality, many brands of bottled water comes from tap water!

So what is the truth about bottled water?

  • The first documented case of selling bottled water was in Boston in the 1760s
    • Jackson's Spa took mineral water and bottled then sold it for therapeutic uses
  •  Approximately 60 million plastic water bottles are used in the US every day
  • The average American consumed roughly 167 disposable water bottles last year but only recycled 38
  •  Each plastic bottle can take up to 700 years to decompose
  • The production of American's water bottles uses over 17 million barrels of oil a year (enough to fuel 1.3 million cars for an entire year) and it takes three times the amount of water to make the bottle than it does to actually fill it

  • 47.8% all of bottled water is derived from tap water
  • Tap water is EPA regulated and undergoes testing for e. coli and is required to provide its source and provide quality reports. Bottled water does not have to meet any of these standards. 
  • The National Resources Defense Council, or NRDC, conducted scientific tests and found that bottled water is no safer than tap water.
    • 103 brands of bottled water was test
    • Nearly 1 out of 5 tested contained more bacteria than allowed under microbiological-purity "guidelines"
    • 4% violated the generally weak federal bottled water standards (2 for excessive fluoride and 2 for excessive coliform bacteria)
    • In 8 cases arsenic was found in at least one test at a level of potential health concern

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Water in the News

Airline Water

Airline water served to passengers is frequently contaminated 


Read the Article Here


The EPA launched a major campaign in 2004 to combat contaminated drinking water. 
In 2004, 300 planes were tested -
 15% or 1 out of 10 were found to have coliform bacteria.

Now, nine years later, 12% of commercially owned and flown planes in the United States had water that tested positive for coliform.
This is still 1 out of 10 airplanes.

Water on Mars

Mars rover Curiosity finds water as common as dirt


Read the Article Here


 Curiosity found that the soil on Mars contains about 2% water by weight.
We could extract about 2 pints or 1 liter of water out of every cubic foot of soil dug up.


Four tonnes of radioactive water leaks in Fukushima


Tokyo Electric Power, or TEPCO, estimated that 4 tonnes of collected rain water might have escaped and seeped into the soil. 
The leak was caused by an overflow that employees were not alerted to due to a damaged water gauge.
This comes less than a month after Fukushima leaked over 300 tonnes of contaminated water from a damaged fire-fighting water pipe.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Water Facts

Fact #1 

Nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves just 1% for all of humanity’s needs — all its agricultural, residential, manufacturing, community, and personal needs

  Fact #2

Water is part of a deeply interconnected system. What we pour on the ground ends up in our water, and what we spew into the sky ends up in our water.

Fact #3 

American residents use about 100 gallons of water per day.  
Residential Europeans use about 50 gallons of water per day.
Residents of sub-Saharan Africa use only 2-5 gallons of water per day.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013


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Fact #1
Using a shower filter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce harmful exposure to chlorine and other chemicals.

Fact #2 
The release of water contaminants into the air results in poor air quality in a home. This poor air quality is a leading cause of asthma and bronchitis. 

 Fact #3 

The total amount of water on the earth is about 326 million cubic miles of water.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How does "Flood" effects us?

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Flooding happens to many states of America, from Florida to Colorado. Each year, flooding not only hurt our economy but it also damages our environment. Flooding also creates diseases to the area that's been affected as well and sometimes fatality. The people in the community's livelihoods will be drastically altered, from children attending school to the convenience of public transportation. There are many forms of structures that can be built to prevent catastrophic events with flooding, such as lakes, dams, retention ponds, reservoirs and levees.

Effects of a Flood:
Leaving individual’s homeless.
Cause damage to the community.
Cause damage to roads, power plants, sewer lines, bridges and etc.
Fatality & injuries of human lives and all living things
Infectious Disease: dysentery, breakbone fever, pneumonia and etc.
Toxic chemical flush into the drinking water system.
Pollution to natural waterways.

Preventative Measures:
Dams: a barrier made of any material, which stops the flow of rivers and streams
Levees: a barrier usually made of earth or clay, which runs alongside a waterway to keep it from overflowing
Flood Barriers: special structures built across river mouths to prevent flooding
Reservoirs: a body of water stored in an artificial or natural pond or lake
Dikes: a barrier usually made of earth, which runs alongside a river to keep it from overflowing at high water

Click Here to read more about the consequences of floods.
Click Here to read more about the what, where, when and how of floods.